Thanks for choosing D-Line, the electrician’s choice for ALL direct-to-surface cable installations, for ALL designer PVC trunking, and for ALL 20/25mm conduit.
With our compliments we invite you to grab a sample of our products, along with a trade brochure so you can see first-hand why customers appreciate our innovative, quality products which look great, fix in seconds, and offer 18th edition fire-rated fitment for all cable installations. D-Line is available at all leading wholesalers.
D-Line - When time, safety and appearance matter!
Please leave your details in the form below and select which sample you would like, or if you’d rather something more bespoke please give us a call or send an email (trade@d-line-it.com).

Safe-D Range Sample Pack

U-Clips, Flat ‘F’ Clips, Spring Clip, Retro Clip, Stag Clips,Conduit Saddles, Adjustable XLPE/SWA Cable Clip,
D-Fix Fire-Rated Screw.
EV Cable Fixing Pack Sample Pack

4x 16-21mm Black Adjustable Cable Clips,4x D-Fix Fire- Rated Screws.