Pet owners can make their homes (& pets!) safer, without compromising on aesthetics, by easy-to-use products which keep cables away from our furry friends.
D-Line’s cable management range allows home owners to hide cabling and wiring, in ways that stop pets from being able to chew on the wires.
As Louise Scott from D-Line explained, “One of the problems that animal lovers have to contend with is making the house safe for their pets, very much the same as parents do with small children.”
Cats, dogs, even house rabbits and smaller animals might love having freedom of the home, but it can be tempting for playful and curious pets to chew through cables left uncovered. However a shock of 240 volts can kill, while split cable insulation can cause electrocutions, and broken cable-conductor strands create hot-spots which can make cables a fire hazard…but any cable risks can be easily sorted!
“Before D-Line, there were few options, short of knocking a hole in the wall to hide the wires, or using a blocky strips of sharp edge trunking which isn’t aesthetically pleasing.”
D-Line provides stylish and subtle containment solutions, including self-adhesive ½-round trunkings that can blend above skirting or attractively cover cables dropping vertically from a wall mounted TV.
Alternative ¼-round trunkings provide cable paths at floor level, and popular Cable Tidy Units contain socket extensions and cable clutter. Spiral Wrap and Cable Tubes are examples of other D-Line solutions for concealing wires that, to a pet, might seem inviting to nibble or bite!
Louise said: “D-Line solutions combine practicality, safety and style so the cables seem to disappear in products that are designed for modern interiors. They are made in UK, and easy to use by requiring no electrical competence as most simply retro-fit around existing cables. And being inexpensive means there’s only ever a small price to pay for our peace-of-mind”